How to get there
Kassinurme on GoogleMaps
GPS Coordinates:
Decimal Deg. Latitude / N Lat: +58.69895
Decimal Deg. Longitude / E Long: +26.45107
Latitude (N): 58o 41' 55.81"
Longitude (E): 26o 27' 3.54"
Coordinate system: WGS-84
If you come by bus
Bus lines and timetables: (Route from Tallinn to Jõgeva)
If you come by train
Ticket office: (Route from Tallinn to Jõgeva)
If you come by car
* From Tallinn by the Piibe highway
Drive by the Piibe highway (no. 39 on the map) until the town Jõgeva, but instead of turning into the town just continue along the road towards Tartu. Should you nevertheless enter Jõgeva, then follow "From Jõgeva" (see below). After about 7 kilometres you will see a large brown sign that reads "Kassinurme", direcing left. Turn left (be careful when crossing the other line of the highway!), drive across the railway (be careful when crossing the railway!) and then along the road with many twists and turns until you arrive at Kassinurme.
* From Tartu by the Piibe highway
Drive by the Piibe highway (no. 39 on the map) until the town Kaarepere. Go straight through the town. After a few kilometres you will see a large brown sign that reads "Kassinurme", directing right. Turn right, drive across the railway (be careful when crossing the railway!) and then along the road with many twists and turns until you arrive at Kassinurme.
* From Middle-Estonia and Pärnu
Drive by the Pärnu-Paide-Jõgeva highway (no. 37 on the map) until you reach the crossing with Piibe highway quite close to Jõgeva. Turn right and continue by the Piibe highway (no. 39 on the map). After about 7 kilometres you will see a large brown sign that reads "Kassinurme", direcing left. Turn left (be careful when crossing the other line of the highway!), drive across the railway (be careful when crossing the railway!) and then along the road with many twists and turns until you arrive at Kassinurme.
* From Eastern Estonia
Drive by the road that suits you the best to the town Jõgeva. We recommend highway no. 36, which doesn't go through Jõgeva, but will take you to the crossing with Piibe highway. Should you nevertheless enter Jõgeva, then follow "From Jõgeva" (see below). From the crossing turn left and continue towards Tartu. After about 7 kilometres you will see a large brown sign that reads "Kassinurme", direcing left. Turn left (be careful when crossing the other line of the highway!), drive across the railway (be careful when crossing the railway!) and then along the road with many twists and turns until you arrive at Kassinurme.
* From Jõgeva
Exit the town by a street that takes you to Piibe highway (no. 39 on the map). Continue along the highway towards Tartu. After about 7 kilometres you will see a large brown sign that reads "Kassinurme", direcing left. Turn left (be careful when crossing the other line of the highway!), drive across the railway (be careful when crossing the railway!) and then along the road with many twists and turns until you arrive at Kassinurme.